Text Messaging to Win Business
All DryStream TOUCH EPoS Systems include Text messaging software to help you improve cashflow and build customer loyalty.
Staying in touch with customers is crucial.
DryStream can automatically send texts messages to inform customers when their work is ready for collection.
Great service for customers but great for you too as work is collected earlier and payment made quicker. Plus, your customers will wear their clothes sooner and need cleaning again.
Prompt a visit if work is overdue for collection. Text messages are quicker than any other means of communication and with proven direct results.
Got something to tell customers? How about a promotion? Use text messaging to announce a promotion or new service. It’s quick, easy and effective..
Try DryStream Text messaging for yourself today from just £49+vat.
The Industry’s Choice of EPoS Systems for Dry Cleaners & Launderers Since 1993